About us


My name is Sandip Regmi, but I am better known as REKU by my friends. That means I am carrying the citizenship with the name Sandip Regmi. However, I may use the biggie lines to describe myself at times but I am the simplest guy on the planet. Maybe I am also simplifying the complex people other than me.

Born and raised in the beautiful Himalayan country of Nepal. I am permanently residing in Jhapa, the Eastern part of the country. I am a Student and Currently Studying. My Interest was to build a site and create my own identity over the internet.

About the blog

This is the technology blog where I mostly write and gives information about Price in Nepal, how-to guides, Specifications, Essay, And Many More Things about internet technology. You Can Find Prices Of Different Products Which Are Available in Nepali Retail and Online Shops. You can Find the Latest Smartphone launches Rumors and Events In the Nepali Market. However, This blog Contains Technical and Educational information which may be helpful for every person who reads this blog. Some of the contents may include my personal preferences too. The price given on this site may not be 100% guaranteed.